Het prijswinnende Kweekvlees Kookboek presenteert 45 recepten die in de toekomst mogelijk op ons bord belanden.
Overheerlijke en prachtig geïllustreerde recepten worden aangevuld met essays, interviews en specials over het vlees van vandaag én morgen. Omdat kweekvlees nog in ontwikkeling is, kun je de recepten (nog) niet koken. Maar ze zullen nu al voldoende voer voor discussie opleveren!
“Playing the ‘what if’ game to get people thinking and talking about their food and the future.”
– ABC News
“Beautifully illustrated with detailed sketches, the book is half-fiction, half earnest scientific inquiry.”
– Wired Magazine.
“Part design object, part philosophical musing, part abstract cooking guide”
“Recipes we might be able to prepare when in vitro meat-growth is the norm.”
– BoingBoing
“The results are fantastically, and sometimes horrifyingly, strange.”
– FOX News
“Questions our assumptions and really considers what the future of food might look like.”